Matches 1,051 to 1,100 of 1,136 » Thumbnails Only
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1051 |
| P60_2144_433.jpg |
1052 |
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1053 |
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1054 |
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1055 |
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1056 |
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1057 |
| P66_1979_178.jpg |
1058 |
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1059 |
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1060 |
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1061 |
| P7_2223_393.jpg |
1062 |
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1063 |
| P71_1942_183.jpg |
1064 |
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1065 |
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1066 |
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1067 |
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1068 |
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1069 |
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1070 |
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1071 |
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1072 |
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1073 |
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1074 |
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1075 |
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1076 |
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1077 |
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1078 |
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1079 |
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1080 |
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1081 |
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1082 |
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1083 |
| P9_1940_232.jpg |
1084 |
| P90_1807_168.jpg |
1085 |
| P91_1270_131.jpg |
1086 |
| P92_1966_193.jpg |
1087 |
| P93_1278_154.jpg |
1088 |
| P94_1938_179.jpg |
1089 |
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1090 |
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1091 |
| P97_1927_248.jpg |
1092 |
| P98_1093_211.jpg |
1093 |
| P99_1123_234.jpg |
1094 |
| Paten: LERNER Peter u. MERZ Anna Maria |
1095 |
| Paul Tettinger v Osvienčime Autor knihy Mengele a selekcia na Appelplatz v koncentračnom tábore v Osvienčime (Dr. Mengele und die Selektionen am Appellplatz im KL Auschwitz, vydané v 1985), Igor-Jakob Bistric, sa počas vojny dostal do koncentračného tábora v Osvienčime. Prežil a tak mohol vydať svedectvo o zverstvách, ktoré sa v tábore diali. Okrem iného na jedinom mieste v knihe spomína, ako stretol svojho spolužiaka zo Spišskej Novej Vsi. |
1096 |
| Paulus Tettinger |
1097 |
| Pavol Tettinger |
1098 |
| At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
1099 |
| Pavol Tettinger a jeho synovia |
1100 |
| Pavol Tettinger: Fußball Club Wallersdorf 2. Mannschaft 1956 Hinten von links: Leo Schinnerl, Georg Sagmeister, Alfred Gegenfurtner, Franz Gierl, Franz Schinnerl, Adolf Gierl, Matthias Sagmeister, Wilhelm Achatz, Paul Tettinger,
Vorne von links: Fritz Zollner, Rudolf Ziegler, Hans Wasmeier,