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701 |
 | Heinrich von Tettingen |
702 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
703 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
704 |
 | Ida Napp |
705 |
 | Imperator |
706 |
 | Inga Tettinger |
707 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
708 |
 | Iron Cross of Merit (Železný kríž za zásluhy) 1916-1918 Iron cross pattée alisée with magnetic core on swivel crown suspension; the face with a circular central medallion bearing the initials ‘FJ’ (for Emperor Franz Joseph I, 1848-1916) encircled by a ring bearing the inscription ‘VIRIBUS UNITIS’ (Strength through Unity); the reverse with a circular central medallion bearing the date ‘1916’ within a circular ring with a stylised laurel wreath; on possibly original trifold wartime ribbon
The Cross was instituted on 1 April 1916 in two grades - Iron with and without Crown - as a need had been perceived for a grade below the existing Gold and Silver to reward the many people of lower ranks performing exceptional acts and services in wartime, especially in the support and auxiliary services.
Early examples, such as this, were in iron but as wartime shortages became more acute, zinc alloy (Kriegsmetall) was substituted.
709 |
 | István Tettinger vyznamenanie István Tettinger slúžil počas I. svetovej vojny v 23. Kráľovskom pešom pluku. Za svoju službu bol ocenený medailou Železný kríž za zásluhy. Dokument sa nachádza v zbierkach vyznamenaní viedenského Vojenského archívu. |
710 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
711 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
712 |
 | Júlia Grün |
713 |
 | Juraj Tettinger |
714 |
 | Karhesz Katalin Tettinger Józsefné Karhesz Katalin (~1870-)
Schön Terézia, Schön Mária
Búcsúi gyors fénykép 1925 körül
715 |
 | Karl Tittinger Name: Karl Tittinger
Birth Date: 25 May 1870
Birth Place: Verschetz, Hungary, Now Serbia
Age: 52
Gender: Male
Passport Issue Date: 7 Mar 1923
Passport Includes a Photo: Yes
Residence: Chicago, Illinois
Spouse Name: Mary Mary
716 |
 | Konl Tittinger Name: Konl Tittinger
Birth Date: 25 May 1900
Birth Place: Hungary
Age: 20
Passport Issue Date: 28 May 1920
Passport Includes a Photo: Yes
Residence: Chicago, Illinois
Father Name: Johan Tittinger
Father's Birth Location: Hungary
Father's Residence: Deceased
717 |
 | La Lorraine |
718 |
 | Ladislav a Peter Tettinger |
719 |
 | Ladislav Tettinger |
720 |
 | Ladislav Tettinger |
721 |
 | Ladislav Tettinger Kmeňový list |
722 |
 | Ladislav Tettinger zdravotný záznam |
723 |
 | Ladislav Tettinger, evidenčný list k vojenskej knižke |
724 |
 | Ladislav Tettinger: priebeh prezenčnej služby |
725 |
 | Ladislav Tettinger: Štátna odborná škola pre spracovanie dreva
Triedny katalóg obsahuje informáciu o prospechu, dochádzke, štátnej podpore (300 korún).
Počas celého obdobia od založenia školy až po vznik Československej republiky školu navštevovalo pomerne málo žiakov. Bolo to v súlade s požiadavkami výrobcov nábytku na počty absolventov a z dôvodu, že štúdium bolo náročné. Z prihlásených žiakov ho úspešne končilo v priemere len 50%. Na počty žiakov končiacich školu v tomto období mal vplyv aj vojnový konflikt v Európe, pretože vojenskej službe sa nevyhli ani žiaci vyšších ročníkov. Napr. v školskom roku 1914/1915 sa zapísalo do prvého ročníka 37 žiakov, a štúdium ukončili len piati žiaci. Takmer všetci žiaci pochádzali z remeselníckych a priemyselných rodín. Z nich približne 20% bolo z mesta Spišská Nová Ves, 30% zo Spiša a 50% z iných žúp.
726 |
 | Ludovit Tettinger |
727 |
 | Margita Tettinger |
728 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
729 |
 | At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld. |
730 |
 | Medal for Bravery, bronze (Bronzene Tapferkeitsmedaille / Bronz Vitézségi Érem), Emperor Franz Joseph I issue, 1915-1916, signed ‘Tautenhayn’ Circular bronze medal with laterally-pierced loop for ribbon suspension; the face with the head and shoulders portrait of Emperor Franz Joseph I facing right, circumscribed ‘FRANZ JOSEPH I V. G. G. KAISER V. OESTERREICH’ (Franz Joseph I, by the Grace of God Emperor of Austria), signed ‘TAUTENHAYN’ (for the great sculptor and medallist Josef Tautenhayn 1837-1911); the reverse inscribed ‘DER TAPFERKEIT’ (Bravery) within a wreath laurel imposed on crossed standards; on probably original wartime ribbon. The medal has its origins in the commemorative medals created by Emperor Francis II at the end of the 18th Century for soldiers who had distinguished themselves on the field of battle. Since 1809, these medals have been referred to as the Medal for Bravery (Tapferkeitsmedaille) and were awarded to non-commissioned officers and other ranks for acts of bravery. The bronze medal was instituted on 14 February 1915 as so many awards were being made during World War I. |
731 |
 | Miesta spojené s rodom Tettinger a Tettingen popis |
732 |
 | New York Passenger Lists 2 Jul 1951 Name: Tekla Tettinger
Birth Date: abt 1906
Age: 45
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Name: Agnes Tettinger
Birth Date: abt 1934
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Arrival Date: 2 Jul 1951
Port of Departure: Hamburg, Germany
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Washington
733 |
 | New York Passenger Lists 2 Jun 1851 Name: Anton Tetinger and huge family
Arrival Date: 2 Jun 1851
Birth Date: abt 1786
Age: 65
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Place of Origin: Germany
Port of Departure: Liverpool, England
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: J L
734 |
 | New York Passenger Lists 21 Apr 1954 Name: Leona Tettinger
Birth Date: abt 1914
Age: 40
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/ Nationality: American
Name: John S Tettinger Jr.
Arrival Date: 21 Apr 1954
Birth Date: abt 1951
Age: 2 Years 6 Months
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Arrival Date: 21 Apr 1954
Place of Origin: New York
Port of Departure: Bremerhaven, Germany
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Upshur
735 |
 | New York Passenger Lists 21 Dec 1951 Name: Artur Tettinger
Arrival Date: 21 Dec 1951
Port of Departure: Hamburg, Germany
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Airline: Scandinavian Airlines System |
736 |
 | New York Passenger Lists 21 Sep 1948 Name: John S Tettinger
Birth Date: abt 1913
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality: American
Name: Leona Tettinger
Birth Date: abt 1914
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/ Nationality: American
Arrival Date: 21 Sep 1948
Port of Departure: Frankfurt, Germany
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Airline: Pan American Airways |
737 |
 | New York Passenger Lists 22 Nov 1866 Name: Joh Casp Tetinger
Arrival Date: 22 Nov 1866
Birth Date: abt 1839
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Place of Origin: Württemberg
Port of Departure: Le Havre, France
Destination: United States of America
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Floride
738 |
 | New York Passenger Lists 31 Dec 1922 Name: Magdolna Tettinger
Arrival Date: 31 Dec 1922
Birth Date: abt 1907
Birth Location: Hungary
Birth Location Other: baesborod
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Name: Janos Tettinger
Birth Date: abt 1913
Birth Location: Hungary
Birth Location Other: baesborod
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Arrival Date: 31 Dec 1922
Ethnicity/ Nationality: Magyar (Hungarian)
Place of Origin: Magyar, Hungary
Port of Departure: Antwerp, Belgium
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Finland
739 |
 | New York Passenger Lists 5 Feb 1925 Name: Friedrich Tettinger
Arrival Date: 5 Feb 1925
Birth Date: 27
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Port of Departure: Hamburg, Germany
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Thuringia
740 |
 | New York, Passenger Lists 17 Jun 1911 Name: Charles Tittinger
Arrival Date: 17 Jun 1911
Birth Date: abt 1897
Birth Location: Hungary
Birth Location Other: arad
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Port of Departure: Le Havre
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: La Lorraine
741 |
 | New York, Passenger Lists 8 Jul 1921 Name: Charles Tetinger
Arrival Date: 8 Jul 1921
Port of Departure: Hamburg
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Ipswich
742 |
 | New York, Passenger Lists 9 Oct 1913 Name: Maria Tittinger
Arrival Date: 9 Oct 1913
Birth Date: abt 1870
Birth Location: Hungary
Birth Location Other: ujvidesz
Age: 43
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Port of Departure: Cuxhaven
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: Imperator
743 |
 | New York, Passenger Lists, 31 Aug 1880 Name: Pauline Tettinger
Birth Date: abt 1841
Age: 39
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Name: Martha Tettinger
Birth Date: abt 1861
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Name: Max Tettinger
Birth Date: abt 1871
Age: 9
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Name: Otto Tettinger
Birth Date: abt 1873
Age: 7
Gender: Male
Ethnicity/ Nationality: German
Arrival Date: 31 Aug 1880
Place of Origin: Germany
Port of Departure: Bremen, Germany
Destination: New York
Port of Arrival: New York, New York
Ship Name: General Werder |
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