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Marianna Tettinger

Female 1780 - 1781  (1 years)

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  • Name Marianna Tettinger 
    Born 21 Feb 1780  Szigetcsép, Pest, Hungary Find all individuals with events at this location 

    * am 21.02.1780 Paten: STIBER Anton u. NN. Maria Anna
    Gender Female 
    Died 31 Jul 1781  Szigetszentmárton, Pest, Hungary Find all individuals with events at this location 

    Person ID I482  Tettinger Family Tree
    Last Modified 6 Jun 2014 

    Father Antonius de Padua Tettinger,   b. 16 Aug 1758, Szigetszentmárton, Pest, Hungary Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 1 Sep 1832, Szigetcsép, Pest, Hungary Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 74 years) 
    Mother Margaretha Wagner,   b. 1763, Burgwallbach, Schönau, Rhön-Grabfeld, Germany Find all individuals with events at this location,   d. 12 Feb 1797, Szigetcsép, Pest, Hungary Find all individuals with events at this location  (Age 34 years) 
    Married 7 Jan 1779  Szigetszentmárton, Pest, Hungary Find all individuals with events at this location  [1

    Die 7 Januarii Copulatus est a(b) me P(ater): Tobia Weingartner Ord(inarius, alebo -o /Ordo/) P(?). honestus Juvenis Antonius Tetinger oratis Sua 20 An(n)or(um) Oriundus ex Sz(ent) Mártony filius sie def(unc)ti Thoma Tetinger, et Matris Margaretha: Cum honesta Virgine Margaretha Wagnerin Oratis Sua 16 Annor(um) Oriunda ex Superiori Germania ex) Loco Pruek (Pruck?)Walbach filia sie Def(unc)ti Joannis Wagner et Matris Agnetis. Quorum testes Fuerunt Joannes Adamus Heim, Laurentius Parner (Perner? Porner?) Ex Szent Mártony

    Dňa 7. januára boli zosobášení mnou, otcom (pátrom) Tobiášom Weingartnerom (ordinárom, alebo z rádu premonštrátov, alebo piaristov - nevieme), poctivý mládenec Anton Tetinger, podľa jeho vyjadrenia 20-ročný zo Szent Mártona, syn zomrelého Tomáša Tetingera a matky Margaréty s poctivou pannou Margarétou Wagnerovou podľa jej vyjadrenia 16-ročnou pôvodom z Horného Nemecka z lokality Pruek (Pruck) Walbach, dcérou zomrelého Jána Wagnera a matky Anety, ktorého svedkami boli Ján Adam Heim a Vavrinec Parner (Perner? Porner?) zo Szent Mártony.
    Family ID F141  Group Sheet  |  Family Chart

  • Event Map
    Link to Google MapsBorn - 21 Feb 1780 - Szigetcsép, Pest, Hungary Link to Google Earth
    Link to Google MapsDied - 31 Jul 1781 - Szigetszentmárton, Pest, Hungary Link to Google Earth
     = Link to Google Earth 
    Pin Legend  : Address       : Location       : City/Town       : County/Shire       : State/Province       : Country       : Not Set

  • Sources 
    1. [S18] RC marriages registers Szigetújfalu.